The legal minimum requirement in the UK is for the driver of a vehicle to hold a full and valid driving licence for that vehicle category. If this driver is an employee and driving on company time, for business purposes, you as the employer have a duty of care to ensure that the employee acts within the law. This means having a robust procedure and audit trail when it comes to driver licence checks.
This duty of care extends not only to your full and part-time staff but temporary drivers and contractors that you may use. It covers all vehicles driven, including heavy goods vehicles, vans and cars (even if the car is their own, but driven for business purposes, on company time).
This is covered under the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Corporate Manslaughter Act and the Road Traffic Act 1988. Failing to comply with these laws can lead to fines, or in the worst case, even imprisonment.
Refleet can help you manage this responsibility in a time and cost-effective manner with our licence checking and compliance service.
Access and customise features using a clear and simple online portal designed for ease of use.
Licence checks completed automatically at specified intervals (risk or time based)
Systems constantly keep you fully informed of all relevant compliance issues, so you’re in control of managing your drivers, costs and risks
Check licence validity, expiry, endorsements, points, & vehicle categories at the click of a button
Driver consent lasts 3 years and can be gained electronically
Automated alerts provide advice on driver management
Easy web-based access and management
ISO27001 security accreditation

Driver Risk Assessments
Driver Training (e-Learning, Classroom & Driving)
Owner Driver Management (Grey Fleet)
Right to Work Checks
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